Katadyn – Be Free – Waterfilter
Product information
€42,99 – €51,99
The Katadyn BeFree is an ideal water filter for various outdoor adventures. The 0.6 liter is nicely compact and very light (the whole thing weighs only 59 grams). The 1 liter version is just a little bigger if you want to filter more water at once
Additional details
Categories: Katadyn, Waterfilters
On our last bikepacking trip (Kenya Bike Odyssey: highly recommended), we had the Katadyn water filter with us. We really liked it because the filter fits easily into the flexible water bottle. And apparently it filters the water very well (we did not get sick during the whole trip).
The Katadyn BeFree is an ideal water filter for various outdoor adventures. The 0.6 liter is nice and compact and very light (the whole thing weighs only 59 grams). The 1 liter version is just a bit larger if you want to filter more water at once. This filter removes bacteria, cysts and sediment with its pore size of 0.1 microns (0.0001 mm). The collapsible and very flexible bottle folds up small and stores easily in the tiniest of bags. The output is about 2 liters per minute. The filter has a total capacity of 1000L, depending on the water quality (you have to do your best for that). Clean the EZ-Clean MembraneTM easily by shaking or swishing the filter in the water – in the field or at home.
No back flushing or tools required. 100% PVC- en BPA-free. A Katadyn BeFree water filter can give you just a little more security on your next adventure because you will always have the option of filtering water and thus having drinks with you.
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